Thursday, January 05, 2006

Sorry I've been offline for a couple of days. We've been having some router problems at home that has effectively crippled our internet, right now I'm piggybacking off a neighbor's wireless network. With almost no signal. Anyway I hope to be back by tomorrow or the next day.

EDIT: The weekly podcast came out yesterday evening, usually I'd listen to it before posting a link, but I don't know if I'll be able to access the internet for awhile, so here you go.

EDIT#2: Big shoutout to the guys at Dreamstation, the above show got me through my sisters ballet recital, I actually had to listen to the show twice. It's a great one, the highlight is the State of the Game Address; a yearly award segment. I agree with it all except their opinions on Halo, they are definitely the minority there.

Ju Blaine

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