Saturday, January 28, 2006

HBO Fan Fiction has been updated! Chuckles has brought his excellent series to a spectacular end, and LordsFire has returned! He's been gone for a long time.

Also the Bungie Weekly What's Update has been posted, I have no idea what they're talking about, but there you go.....

Thursday, January 26, 2006

My new baby brother was born on Sunday, about three. Isaac John Lloyd, 7lbs. 15 oz., 20 inches long.
I've been gone all week, result, I'm really behind. Podtacular released ep. 46, the tips show. Dreamstation released ep. 40. Gamertag radio released ep. 36. Major Nelson posted ep. 159. VGN radio released the show for this week. Also, High Impact Halo released this week's movie roundup.

Disclaimer: I haven't listened to any of these shows or seen the movies yet. I'm still catching up.

Ju Blaine