Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Stand by for a Ninja rant. So about three years ago, Microsoft (M$$, Microcrap, Microdooshbag) created this thing called the Xbox 360. A great console, I was 100% behind it, "well done Microsoft" I said. They made a very powerful, beautiful looking machine, and some excellent games. Around two months ago, I heard of some problem with these "red rings of death", or three flashing red lights indicating a hardware failure. A lot of people were experiencing this, but not anything worth screaming about. Time went by, and it got worse and worse, until Microsoft extended the standard one-year warranty to three years, for three flashing red lights. So it was obviously a big problem, attracting attention despite M$$ attempts to quell the raging masses. Well about a week ago, my Xbox 360 started having bad graphical errors, bars across the screen and such. A day later, one red ring was flashing and I was getting an error message on the screen. So I called Microdooshbag and asked them about it, and was told by Tom from Kentucky (with a heavy Indian accent...) that my Xbox was not covered by warranty and I would be charged $100 to have it fixed... WHAT?!?!?! So I start doing some research and discover that more than half of the 360s that I know of have broken in some way to make them unplayable, but only a fraction are covered by the extended warranty. Thanks a lot, Microcrap. So now my Xbox Live account, my games, and my console have been turned into a stack of paperweights, useless pieces of plastic. It's time to stop bashing Sony for not having games, at least their freaking console works...

On an unrelated note, does anyone know how to make a 360 flash three red lights?