Friday, June 30, 2006

Today my family and I are traveling to St. Louis to celebrate the 4th of July. I don't like that title as much as Independence Day, and as we think about independence, let's remember two major countries that we are involved in right now, Iraq and Afghanistan. These countries have experienced a change in governments during the past five years, but they are not independent. I truly hope they become so within the next year. I also wish every US soldier over there will come home safe, and soon. Support an independent Iraq and Afghanistan, not two more countries supported and controlled by the United States.


Unknown said...

I'm sure you realize that our intent is to free these nations, not to control them. Freedom to make WMDs? Maybe not. But free to rule themselves and denounce us for giving them the opportunity.

Ju Blaine said...

Absolutely, I totally agree.
I'm just not entirely sure what the government's intents are.

Sweet spotlight on Bungie dude.

Anonymous said...

There were/are dozens of nations in worse states than Iraq was in when we decided to invade. I'm fairly sure "freeing them" wasn't as high on the agenda as many would like to believe. Considering the extremely brutal conditions in many African dictatorships and the ongoing genocides there, I don't think anyone can reasonably state our goals in Iraq were anything other than selfish.

Anonymous said...

Oh, and I hope you and your family are having a great vacation. My Savannah trip was fantastic.

Ju Blaine said...

Thanks, we got back last night. It was absolutely fantastic.

cunninghamjc said...

our intent is to free them so they can rule themselves? And what if they vote for a terrorist supporting government?

That's why we wanted Palestine to have 'free' elections, right?

Oh, but then they voted in Hamas and we quickly told them that they had voted the wrong people in office and they needed to try agin.

We may have good intentions but to a big percentage of the world we're just a bully. We're on the wrong side of history too; every great empire has fallen.